Tuesday, 23 December 2014
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014
d & f block elements (Chapter 8) class XII
and f- block elements
d-block elements
represent change in properties from most electropositive s-block elements to
least electropositive p-block elements. So, these are called transition metals.
Transition elements are those
elements which have partially filled d-subshells in their elementary state or
in their commonly occurring oxidation states.
General configuration =
(n-1) d1-10 ns1-2
There are four transition series:
3d – Sc Ti V Cr
Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
4d – Y Zr
Nb Mo Tc Ru
Rh Pd Ag Cd
5d – La Hf Ta W Re
Os Ir
Pt Au Hg
6d – Ac Ku
Cu = 3d10 4s1. But in its most common oxidation
state (+2), it contains one unpaired electron in its d-orbital. So, it is a
transition element. Cu2+ = 3d9 4s0. Similarly,
Ag and Au are also transition elements.
Physical Properties
1) Atomic radii
– Across the period (series), atomic radii of elements of a particular series
decrease with increase in atomic number and then become constant in mid-way and at last, there
is an increase in atomic radius.
Reason – With increase in atomic
number, nuclear charge goes on increasing and force of attraction between
nucleus and valence electrons increases due to which atomic radius decreases
with increase in atomic number in the beginning.
But as the electrons are
increased in d-orbitals. These electrons screen the outermost s-electrons. So,
as the d-electrons increase, screening effect increases which neutralises the
effect of increased nuclear charge and hence, atomic radius remains almost
unchanged after chromium.
At the end of the series, there
is slight increase in the atomic radii due to increased electron-electron
repulsions between electrons in same orbitals due to which electron cloud
expands and size increases.
Down the group, atomic radii
increase due to increase in number of shells. But atomic radii of elements of
4d-series and 5d-series are nearly same due to Lanthanide Contraction.
2) Metallic character
- All transition elements are metals. They have high density, hardness, high
melting point and boiling point, malleable, ductile, conduct electricity and
Reason – Metallic character is
due to their low ionization energies and number of vacant orbitals in outermost
shell. Greater the number of unpaired d-electrons, greater is the number of
bonds and greater is the strength of metallic bonds. E.g. Cr, Mo and W
(tungsten) have maximum number of unpaired electrons and are very hard metals.
Zn, Cd and Hg do not have any unpaired electrons. So, they are not hard
(nd10). They are also known as non-transition metals.
3) Density –
All metals have high density. Osmium has the highest density.
4) Melting point and
boiling point – They have high melting point and boiling point due
to strong metallic bonds between atoms of elements.
Metallic bond is formed due to
the interaction of electrons in outermost orbitals. Greater the number of
valence electrons, stronger is the metallic bonding and higher is the melting
point. In a particular series, metallic strength increases upto middle with
increasing availability of unpaired electrons upto d5 configuration
(Sc =1, Ti =2, V =3, Cr =4, Mn =5) and then decreases with decreasing
availability of unpaired electrons in d-orbital. Therefore, melting point
5) Ionization enthalpy –
Energy required to remove an electron from valence shell of an isolated gaseous
atom. First ionization enthalpy is higher than those of s-block elements and
lesser than p-block elements.
Reason – Due to increase in
nuclear charge and force of attraction between nucleus and valence electrons.
Hence more energy is required to remove an electron from outermost shell.
Also, the effect of increasing
nuclear charge is opposed by additional screening effect of nucleus and hence,
ionization enthalpy increases but quite slowly among d-block series.
First ionization enthalpy of 5-d
series is higher than those of 3d- and 4d- series due to poor shielding effect
of 4f-orbitals. As a result, outer electrons have greater nuclear charge acting
on outer valence electrons.
Consequences: a) Ni (II)
compounds are thermodynamically more stable than Pt(II) compounds. Pt(IV)
compounds are more stable than Ni(IV) compounds. E.g. K2PtCl6
exist but not K2NiCl6.
6) Oxidation state
– Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states.
Reason- This is due to the
participation of inner (n-1) d-electrons in addition to outer n electrons
because energies of ns- and (n-1) d subshells are almost equal. They contain
many unpaired electrons.
Highest oxidation state is shown
by Osmium(Os) and Rhuthenium(Ru) of +8.
Few transition metals also form
compounds in low oxidation states like +1, 0, -1. E.g. [Ni(CO)4],
[Fe(CO)5] in which Ni and Fe have zero oxidation states.
7) Formation of coloured
ions – s and p-block elements are white in colour while d-block
elements are coloured in solid or solution form.
Reason- It occurs due to the
presence of unpaired electrons. The energies of five d-orbitals in the same
subshell do not remain equal during the formation of complexes or compounds of
transition metals. Under the influence of approaching ions towards the central
metal ion, d-orbitals split into different energy levels. This phenomenon is
known as crystal field splitting (CFS).
In case of transition metal ions,
electrons are excited from one energy level to another in same d-subshell.
These are known as d-d transitions. The amount of energy required to excite
unpaired electrons to higher excited states within the same d-subshell
corresponds to energy of certain colours of visible light and the observed
colour of substance is always complementary colour of colour absorbed by the
Zn, Cd and Hg compounds are generally white in colour because of
completely filled d-orbitals i.e. they do not have any unpaired electron (d10).
8) Magnetic properties
– Most of the compounds of transition elements are paramagnetic due to the
presence of unpaired electrons in the d-orbitals of metal ion. Unit of magnetic
moment (μ)
= Bohr Magneton. μ = n ( n + 2 ) where n = number of unpaired electrons
Iron oxide = Ferromagnetic substance
(highly magnetic).
Zn2+, Cd2+, Hg2+,
Cu+ compounds = Diamagnetic (no unpaired electron).
9) Tendency to form complexes –
Transition elements form large number of coordination compounds. The transition
metal ions bind to number of anions or neutral molecules (ligands) in the
complexes like [Ni(NH3)6]2+, [Co(NH3)6]3+,
Reason- due to small size of
transition metal atoms or ions, high nuclear charge, presence of vacant
d-orbitals of suitable energy are available to accept lone pair of electrons
donated by ligands.
10) Formation of interstitial compounds –
Transition metals form interstitial compounds with elements like B, C and N
i.e. they get trapped in vacant spaces of lattices of these metals.
Reason- Transition metals can easily accommodate the
vacant spaces of these non-metals due to their small size, defects in
structures and their variable oxidation states.
11) Catalytic properties – Many
transition metals and their compounds act as good catalyst for many reactions
like Ni, Pt, Pd, V2O5, MnO2, etc.
Reason- (i) due to the presence of
vacant orbitals and their tendency to show variable oxidation states, (ii)
Transition metals provide large surface area on which reactants may be absorbed
for the reaction to occur. E.g. in Contact process, solid V2O5
adsorbs SO2 for reaction.
12) Alloy formation -
Transition metals form large number of alloys.
Reason- Transition metals are quite
similar in size and atoms of one element in its crystal lattice substitute
atoms of other metal in its crystal lattice. E.g. Brass = Cu + Zn, Bronze = Cu
+ Sn, Stainless steel = Fe + Cr + Ni (high melting point, hard, more resistant
to corrosion).
13) First row transition metals –
Oxides- General formulae: MO, M2O3, M3O4,
MO2, M2O5, MO3 .
Acidic character increases as
oxidation state increases.
Oxide : MnO Mn2O3 Mn3O4 MnO2 Mn2O7
Oxidation: +2 +3 +8/3 +4 +7
Reducing character of
oxides –Across the period, reducing character first increases then
decreases as oxidation state. Lower oxidation state is more stable in 3d-series
i.e. +2 state. V2O5 and CrO are strong reducing agents.
As we move down the group, higher oxidation
states become more stable. E.g. Osmium(VIII) oxide (OsO4) is known
but iron (VIII) oxide is not known. Similarly, hexafluorides of 4d- and 5d-series
K2Cr2O7 (potassium dichromate):
Preparation: from chromite ore
(i) 4FeCr2O4
+ 16NaOH + 7O2 → 8Na2CrO4 + 2 Fe2O3
+ 8H2O
(ii) 2Na2CrO4
+ H2SO4 → Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O. Na2SO4 can be removed
by crystallization.
(iii) Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl → K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl. So, orange crystals of K2Cr2O7 are obtained.
Properties: (i) It is orange red crystalline solid, soluble in
(ii) Action of heat: 4 K2Cr2O7 → 4
K2Cr2O4 + 2 Cr2O3 + 3O2
(iii) K2Cr2O7 + 2 KOH → 2 K2Cr2O4
+ H2O
2 K2CrO4 +
H2SO4 → K2Cr2O7 + K2SO4 + H2O
(iv) Chromyl chloride test – used
to test the presence of chloride ions.
+ 4NaCl + 6H2SO4 → 2KHSO4 + 4NaHSO4
+ 3H2O + 2Cr2O2Cl2 (chromyl
chloride red vapours)
(v) K2Cr2O7
+ 4HCl →
2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 7H2O + 3Cl2
(vi) Oxidising character- K2Cr2O7
is a powerful oxidizing agent.
+ 4H2SO4 → K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3
+ 4H2O + 3[O]
Strong oxidizing agent in acidic
+ 14 H+ + 6e- → 2Cr3+ (green) + 7
Uses: a) in volumetric analysis of Fe2+, I-. b) in photography for hardening gelatin
film. c) in dyeing.
Note: a) 2I- → I2
+ 2e- b) Fe2+
Fe3+ + e- c) H2S → S
+ 2H+ + 2e-
d) H2C2O4
2CO2 + 2H+ + 2e- e) SO32-
+ H2O → SO42- +
2e- + 2H+
KMnO4 =
Potassium permanganate
Preparation: 1) a) 2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 →2K2MnO4
+ 2H2O
b) 3MnO42-
+ 4H+ → 2MnO4- + MnO2 + 2H2O [Disproportionation reaction]
2) Commercial process: KMnO4 is prepared by the alkaline
oxidative fusion of MnO2 followed by electrolytic oxidation of
manganite (VI)
Properties: a) It is dark violet crystalline solid.
b) It is fairly soluble in water.
c) 2KMnO4 K2MnO4 +
MnO2 + O2
d) 4KMnO4 + 4KOH → 4K2MnO4
+ 2H2O + O2
e) It is powerful oxidising agent in
neutral, alkaline or acidic solutions. MnO4- + e- → MnO42-,
MnO4- + 4H+
+3e- → MnO2 + 2H2O, MnO4- +
8H+ +5e- → Mn2+
+ 4H2O.
Uses: as an
oxidizing agent in labs and industries, used as disinfectant for water, in quantitative
and qualitative analysis.
E0 values (standard
electrode potential) become less negative across the series is related to the
general increase in sum of the first and second ionization enthalpies.
More the ionization enthalpy is, more
is the reduction potential and lesser is the oxidation potential. So, E0
value (reduction potential) becomes more negative.
Exception: a) E0
for Mn, Ni and more (-) than expected from the trend. This is due to the
stability of the half-filled d subshell in Mn2+ and completely
filled d10 configuration in Zn2+, whereas E0
for Ni is related to the highest negative ΔhydH0
(hydration energy).
b) Cu2+ = 3d9 4s0, Cu+ = 3d10
is exceptionally more stable than Cu+ in aqueous solutions
because of more negative ΔhydH0 of Cu2+ (aq)
than Cu+ , which is more than compensates for the second ionization
enthalpy of Cu. So, Cu+ undergoes disproportionation in aqueous
solution. 2 Cu+ (aq) → Cu2+ + Cu. E0 = + 0.34V
(favourable E0 value).
c) All Cu2+ halides are
known except the iodide. In this case, Cu2+ oxidises I- to I2.
2 Cu2+ + 4 I- →
Cu2I2 (s) + I2
Stable d-configurations – d3
= stable half-filled t2g configuration, d5 = half-filled
d-orbital, d6 = fully-filled t2g level, d10 =
fully-filled d-orbital.
f-block elements: Elements
in which last electron enters the f-orbital of their atoms are called f-block
elements. They are known as inner transition elements.
General Configuration: (n-2)f1-14
(n-1)d0-10 ns1-2
(n-2) = Anti-penultimate shell,
(n-1) = Penultimate shell, n =
main ( valence ) shell.
They consist of two series of elements
placed at the bottom of periodic table by filling of electrons in 4f- and
(i) Lanthanoids or lanthanides- The series involving the filling of
4f-orbitals following Lanthanum (Z=57), Cerium (Z=58) to Lutetium (Z=71).
They occur very rarely and are known
as rare earth metals.
Z=57 = La (Lanthanum) = 5d1
6s2, Z=58 = Ce (Cerium) =
4f1 5d1 6s2, Z=59 = Pr (Praseodymium) = 4f2 6s2, Z=63 = Eu (Europium) = 4f7 6s2 , Z=64 = Gd (Gadolinium) = 4f7 5d1 6s2, Z=71 = Lu
(Lutetium) = 4f14 5d1
(ii) Actinides - The
series involving the filling of 5f-orbitals following Actinium (Z=89), Thorium
(Z=90) to Lawrencium (Z=103).
Actinium (Z=89) = Ac = 6d1
7s2, Thorium (Z=90) = Th = 6d2
7s2, Curium (Z=96) = Cm = 5f7 6d1 7s2,
Lawrencium (Z=103) = Lr = 5f14 6d1 7s2
The Lanthanoids- All
Lanthanoids have common oxidation state of +3 with +2 and +4 also by attaining
stable f0, f7, f14 configurations.
Properties: All lanthanides are soft, malleable, and ductile with low
tensile strength, bad conductors of heat and electricity.
Charcteristics: 1)
Trivalent ions of lanthanides are coloured in solid state as well as in
solution due to the absorption in visible light of spectrum by unpaired
electrons resulting in f-f transitions.
2) They are paramagnetic. All
lanthanides are highly electropositive metals and have almost similar
reactivity due to the fact that lanthanides differ only in number of 4f
electrons. Since these electrons are very effectively shielded from interaction
by 6s, 5p electrons, hence they show little differences in their chemical
reactivity. So, they are difficult to separate.
f0 and f14 are
colourless and diamagnetic [La3+ and Lu3+]
3) Atomic radii- The steady decrease
in atomic sizes and ionic sizes of lanthanides with increasing atomic number is
known as lanthanide
Reason: As atomic number increases
across the series, nuclear charge increases by one unit. The new electrons are
added to same inner 4f-subshells. But 4f electrons shield each other from
nuclear charge quite poorly because of very diffused shapes of f-orbitals.
Consequences of lanthanide
a) Elements of 4f- and 5f- transition
series resemble each other due to similar sizes.
b) It is difficult to separate these
elements in pure state. Fractional crystallization method is done repeatedly to
separate them.
c) Due to lanthanide contraction, size
of lanthanide ions decrease with increase in atomic number due to which the
covalent character between Lanthanide ion and OH- ions increase from
La3+ to Lu3+. Therefore, basic strength of hydroxides
decreases with increase in atomic number across the series. Thus, La(OH)3
is most basic and Lu(OH)3 is least basic.
The actinoids-
General Characteristics: 1) These
metals are all silvery in appearance.
2)Antinoid contraction- The
steady decrease in atomic sizes and ionic sizes of antinoids with increasing
atomic number is known as actinide contraction.
Reason: As atomic number increases
across the series, nuclear charge increases by one unit. The new electrons are
added to same inner 5f-subshells. But 5f electrons shield each other from
nuclear charge quite poorly.
3) They are radioactive elements and
earlier members have relatively long half lives, the latter ones have half
lives ranging from a day to 3 minutes for Lawrencium (Z=103). The latter
members are prepared only in nanogram quantities. These facts render their
study more difficult.
1) Tendency to form complexes is less.
1) More tendency to form complexes.
2) Non-radioactive except promethium.
2) All are radioactive.
3) All show +3 oxidation state and few show
+2 and +4 also.
3) All show +3, +4, +5, +6 and +7 oxidation
4) They are less basic.
4) They are more basic.
Misch Metall- An alloy
of a lanthanoid metal (95%) and iron (5%) with traces of S, C, Ca and Al. It is
used in Mg-based alloy to produce bullets, shell and lighter flint.
of Lanthanoids: (i) For production of alloy steels for plates and pipes. (ii)
Mixed oxides of lanthanoids are used as catalysts in petroleum cracking.
of Lanthanoids:
2Ln + 3X2 → 2LnX3
, 2Ln + 6H2O → 2Ln(OH)3 + 3H2 ,
Ln + O2 → Ln2O3
, Ln + S →Ln2S3 , Ln + N2 → LnN, Ln + C → LnC2
Chemistry in everyday life (Chapter 16) Class XII
in everyday life
Drugs – are
the chemicals of low molecular mass (100-500u) which interact with
macromolecular targets and produce a biological response i.e. can act as
medicines or as poisons.
Chemotherapy -
Branch in medicine where we use chemicals to cure the diseases or reduce
suffering from pains (for therapeutic effect).
Classification of drugs:
a) On the basis of pharmacological effect – analgesics for pain killing effect,
antiseptics for killing or arresting the growth of micro-organisms.
b) On the basis of drug action –
It is based on the action of a drug on a particular biochemical process. E.g.
all antihistamines inhibit the action of the compound, histamine which causes
inflammation in the body.
c) On the basis of chemical
structure – on the basis of common structural features and similar
pharmacological activity. E.g. sulphonamides have common structure:
d) On the basis of molecular
targets – Drugs possessing some common structural features may have the same
mechanism of action on targets. (most useful classification).
Consideration of drug
designing – Two considerations are essential: (i) Choice of drug
target – Drugs usually interact with biological macromolecules known as
targets, (ii) Drug metabolism – A drug travels through the body in order to
reach the target. So, its design should be such that it reaches the target
without being metabolised in between and also, after its action, it should be
excreted without causing harm to the body.
Drugs are designed by lead
compounds (Sources = plants, trees, bushes, metabolites of microorganisms)
Q. How do drugs
interact with targets?
Drugs interact with biological
macromolecules like proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. E.g. Enzymes are the proteins which perform the role of biological
catalysts. They hold the substrate for a chemical reaction and they provide
functional group (-OH, -NH2, -COOH) that will attack the substrate
and carry out chemical reaction (by H-bonding, ionic bonds, Vander Waal’s
forces, dipole-dipole interactions). Drugs are designed to inhibit any of the
above activities of enzymes and are known as enzymes inhibitors
which can block the binding site and prevent the binding of substrate with
Drugs compete
with the natural substrate for active site. Such drugs are called as competitive
inhibitors. Some drugs do not bind to the active site but bind to
the different site of enzyme known as allosteric site. This changes the shape of
active site such that substrate cannot recognize it.
Receptors –
are the proteins that are crucial to the body’s communication process which are
embedded in cell membrane (made up of phospholipid bilayer). Two chemical messengers
which help the receptor to transfer message into the cell are:
a) Hormones – are released from endocrine glands. These enter into the
blood stream and travel in the body, activating all the receptors which
recognize them for message transfer (that helps in the growth and development
of the body). E.g. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a hormone released from adrenal
medulla in the situation of stress or danger.
b) Neurotransmitters – like acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin.
Nerves transfer message through them.
Drugs are categorised as – a) Antagonists : drugs that bind to
receptors site and inhibits its natural function by blocking the active site.
b) Agonists : Drugs that mimic the natural messenger by switching on
the receptor. These are useful when there is lack of natural chemical messenger
in the body.
Side effects are caused when
drugs bind to more than one type of receptor or are taken in excess.
Therapeutic action
of different classes of drugs:
a) Antacids – Chemical
substances which can reduce or neutralise the acidity of stomach which occurs
due to release of excess of gastric acid (HCl) in stomach. E.g. Ranitidine
(Zantac), Cimetidine. They are better than NaHCO3 and Mg(OH)2
as they prevent interaction of histamine with receptors (or anti-allergic
action) in stomach and helps in quick healing of ulcers as they are mild bases.
b) Antihistamines (or
anti-allergic drugs)- Drugs which combat or prevent the effects of
histamine, a chemical released by certain cells of body (mast cells) during an
allergic reaction. E.g. Dimetapp and seldane.
Histamine is a potent
vasodilator. It contracts smooth muscles in bronchi and gut and relaxes other
muscles of blood vessels. It is also responsible for nasal congestion associated
with common colds and allergic response to pollen grains.
Antihistamines do not affect the
secretion of acid in stomach because antiallergic and antacid drugs work on
different receptors.
c) Neurologically active
drugs –
(i) Tranquilizers or sedatives – drugs given to patients suffering from
anxiety and tension. These relieve anxiety, stress, irritability or excitement.
Antipsychotic tranquilizers are the major tranquilizers while sedative
tranquilizers are used during intense anxiety or panic. These are used for
making sleeping pills like Barbituric acid, lyminal and seconal. Non-adrenaline
is a neurotransmitter that plays role in mood changes. If level of
non-adrenaline is low, the person suffers from depression. So, anti-depressant
drugs are required like Iproniazid, Nardil (phenelzine).
(ii) Analgesics –
Chemical substances which are used for relieving pains in the body. Two types
of analgesics are: Non-narcotic drugs (non-addictive) – Salicylates (for e.g.
aspirin and paracetamol) belong to this class. Aspirin inhibits the synthesis
of chemicals known as prostaglandins which stimulate inflammation in tissue and
cause pain. These drugs are effective in reducing fever (antipyretic) and
preventing platelet coagulation. Because of its anti-blood clotting action,
aspirin finds its use in prevention of heart attacks.(Aspirin = 2-Acetoxy
benzoic acid).
Narcotic analgesic drugs – such as morphine and many of its homologous,
when administered in medicinal doses, relieve pain and produce sleep and cause
addiction. Morphine narcotics are sometimes referred to as opiates, since they
are obtained from the opium poppy.
d) Antibiotics –
Chemical substances produced by micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, moulds) that
inhibit the growth or even destroy other micro-organisms. First antibiotic was
discovered by Alexander Fleming and it was penicillin (for malaria). The
complete range of micro-organisms which can be killed by a particular
antibiotic is called its spectrum. There are two types of antibiotics-: Broad – spectrum antibiotics: antibiotics
which can kill different types of micro-organisms. They can cause several
infections. E.g. Tetracyclines, chloramphenicol. Narrow – spectrum antibiotics:
antibiotics which can kill only few micro-organisms. E.g. Penicillin,
streptomycin, chloromycetin.
Two major classes of antibiotics: Bactericidal is an antibiotic which
kills the micro-organisms in the body. E.g. Penicillin, ofloxacin.
Bacteriostatic is an antibiotic which inhibit or control the growth of
micro-organisms. E.g. tetracycline, chloramphenicol.
e) Antiseptics –
can kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms. They do not harm the living
tissue and can be applied to the skin. They are used for dressing wounds,
ulcers and in treatment of diseased skin. E.g. Dettol (a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol), Tincture of iodine
(2-3% iodine solution of alcohol-water)
Disinfectants –
can kill micro-organisms. They are toxic to living tissues. So, it cannot be
applied to the skin. These are used for disinfecting floors, toilet drains,
instruments, etc. E.g. DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane), BHC (Benzene
Phenol 1-2% solution is used as disinfectant while 0.2% solution of
phenol is used as antiseptic.
f) Antifertility drugs
– are hormonal contraceptives and are available for females only. Birth control
pills are derivatives of synthetic oestrogen and progesterone. E.g. Norethindrone
(progesterone derivative), novestrol (oestrogen derivative).
Chemicals in food: a)
Artificial sweetners – Natural sweetners sucrose
adds to calorie intake and therefore many people prefer to use artificial
sweetners. Its use is of great value to diabetic persons. E.g. Aspartame (unstable at cooking temperature as it contains peptide
linkages), Saccharine(low quality), Sucrulose, Alitame (high potency sweetner).
b) Preservatives –
They prevent the spoilage of food due to microbial growth. They are classified
into two groups: Class 1 preservatives contain table salts, sugars and
vegetable oils and Class 2 preservatives contain sodium benzoate (C6H5COONa).
c) Antioxidants
– Substances which when added to the fats and fat containing food prevents their oxidation (rancidity) and thus prolong their
life. Example : Butylated Hydroxy
Anisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT), Vitamin C.
Chemistry of Cleansing agents :
SOAPS :: are
sodium and potassium salts of long chain fatty acids. Soaps are formed by treating NaOH with fatty acids. This
process is known as saponification.
The soap obtained is in colloidal
form which is precipitated by adding NaCl and is obtained by fractional
distillation. Cleansing action of soaps –
Hydrophobic tail and Hydrophilic
head forming micilles.
Soaps do not work in hard water (disadvantage): Hard water contains
calcium and magnesium ions which form insoluble salts with soaps as scum which
are useless as cleansing agent.
2C17H35COONa + CaCl2
(in hard water) è 2NaCl
+ (C17H35COO)2Ca (insoluble)
Soaps can be biodegraded.
Advantage of detergents : They do not form scum with hard water.
of detergent: They are non-biodegradable.
Sodium palmitate : C15H31COONa
Sodium oleate : C17H31COONa
Types of synthetic
a) Anionic detergents – are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain
alcohols. They are effective in acidic solutions. Their larger part of molecule
is anion. E.g. ABS (alkyl benzene sulphonate) CH3(CH2)16OSO3Na
and Sodium lauryl sulphonate CH3(CH2)10CH2OSO3Na.
b) Cationic detergents – are chlorides or bromides of quarternary
amines. Cationic part possesses a long hydrocarbon chain and a positive charge.
E.g. Cetylmethylammonium bromide(non-biodegradable). They have germicidal
properties but have high cost.
c) Non-ionic detergents – Liquid dishwashing detergents are of
non-ionic type. They have same mechanism of cleansing action as of soaps.
n CH2-CH2 →
(polyethylene glycol)
Q. Why medicines or sleeping
pills should not be taken without consulting doctors?
Ans. Because most drugs are
potential poisons if taken in doses higher than the dose recommended.
Q. What is biothionol? Give its
Ans. Biothionol is an aromatic
compound containing sulphur and it is added to soaps to impart antiseptic properties.
Q. What are hypnotics? Give an
Ans. Hypnotics are drugs which
produce sleep. They are habit forming. E.g. Luminal, Seconal.
Q. What kind of medicines are given
to agitated and violent patient?
Ans. Tranquilizers or sedatives
or anti-depressant drugs.
Q. Low level of non-adrenaline is
the cause of depression. What type of drugs are needed to cure this problem?
Name two drugs.
Ans. Psychotherapeutic drugs or tranquilizers.
E.g. Luminal, Equanil.
Q. Why aspirin should not be
taken empty stomach?
Ans. It decreases pH and causes
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