Sunday, 21 August 2016

Class XI: States of matter (Chapter-5) notes

States of matter

Intermolecular forces – forces of attraction and repulsion between interacting particles (atoms and molecules). These are also known as Vander Waals force of attraction. Types of Vander Waal forces:-
1)            Ion-dipole forces: attractive forces between an ion and a dipole. E.g. NaCl + H2O.

2)        Dispersion forces or London forces: atoms or non-polar molecules are electrically symmetrical and have no dipole moment. But a dipole may develop momentarily even in such atoms and molecules. If the momentarily electronic charge distribution in one of the atoms becomes unsymmetrical, this results in the development of instantaneous dipole on the atom for very short interval of time. This distorts the electron density of other atoms which are closer to it and as a result the dipole is induced in other atoms. These are temporary dipoles. E.g.: Noble gases, H2, etc.

3)      Dipole-dipole forces: present between the molecules possessing permanent dipoles. E.g.: H2O, HCl.

4)            Dipole-Induced dipole: between polar molecules having permanent dipoles and molecules which are non-polar. Permanent dipole of polar molecules induces dipole on the electrically neutral molecule by deforming its electronic clouds. E.g.: Cl2 and H2O.

5)            Hydrogen bond: requires (i) H-Atom, (ii) small size electronegative atom (F, O, N). E.g.: water, ammonia.  
Thermal Energy : It is the measure of average kinetic energy of particles  of the matter and their motion.
Order of intermolecular force of attraction: Gas < liquid < solid.
Order of thermal energy:    Gas > liquid > solid.

Gaseous State:
Only 11 elements exist as gas under normal conditions: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, F, Cl, O, N, H.
They are highly compressible and diffusible.

a) Volume: 1L=1 dm3= 1000cm3= 1000 ml.
b) Pressure : measured by barometer ( atmospheric pressure) and manometer ( P of gas). 1 atm = 760mm = 760 torr = 1 bar = 101,325 Pa.
c) Temperature (oC, K or F)

Gas laws:
1) Boyle’s law : At constant temperature, pressure of fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to  volume. i.e  P α 1/V  OR     PV=Constant.         
            P1V1 = P2V2
Isotherm: Graph between P and V at constant temperature.

Significance of Boyle’s law: The gases are compressible. The more it is pressed, the denser it becomes. Therefore, at constant temperature, density of gas is directly proportional to pressure. At altitudes, as atmospheric pressure is low, the air is less dense. As a result, less oxygen is available for breathing. That is why the mountaineers have to carry oxygen cylinders with them.

2) Charles’ law: (given by Jacques Charles and extended by Joseph Gay Lussac) At constant Pressure, volume of a given mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273.15 of its volume at 0oC for every one degree centigrade rise or fall in temperature.


This implies that a gas at -273.150C will have zero or no volume, i.e., it will cease to exist.
Absolute zero: The lowest hypothetical or theoretical temperature of -273.15oC at which a gas is supposed to have zero volume is called absolute zero.
Lord Kelvin suggested a new scale of temperature starting with -273.150C as its zero. This scale of temperature is known as Kelvin or absolute scale of temperature. (273K to 373K)
Also, at constant temperature for a fixed mass of gas, Volume α Temperature.
V/T = constant.
Isobar: Graph between V and T at constant Pressure.

Significance of Charles’ law: Air expands on heating and hence its density decreases. Thus hot air is lighter than the atmosphere air and is used in filling hot air in the balloons which rise up for meteorological observations.
3) Gay- Lussac’s law or Amonton’s law: At constant volume, Pressure of a given mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273.15 of its pressure at 00C for every centigrade rise or fall in temperature.
Also, at constant temperature for a fixed mass of gas, Pressure α Temperature.
P/T = constant.
Isochore: Graph between P and T at constant Volume.

4) Avogadro’s law: According to it, equal volumes of all gas under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules. Volume α no. of moles

5) Ideal Gas: A gas that follows Boyle’s law, Charles’ law and Amonton’s law strictly is called an ideal gas. Such a gas is hypothetical.

Ideal Gas Equation:
Boyle’s law: PV = Constant at constant T and n
Charles’law: V/T = Constant at constant P and n
Amonton’s law: P/T = Constant at constant V and n
Avogadro’s law: V α n at constant P and T.

PV/T = Constant   i.e. PV = nRT
Where R = Universal Gas Constant
= 8.314 J/K/mol = 0.0831 L atm/k/mol.
This is an equation of state. It is a relation between four variables and it describes the state of any gas.

Combined gas law:

Units of R:

6) Dalton’s law of partial pressure: (given by John Dalton)
According to it, the total pressure exerted by the mixture of non-reacting gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of individual gases. In a mixture of gases, pressure exerted by the individual gas is called partial pressure of a gas.

Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3 + …….. at constant temperature and volume
Pdry gas = Ptotal – aqueous tension.
Aqueous tension = Pressure exerted by saturated water vapours.

7) Relationship between density of a gas and its molar mass:

As PV = nRT and no. of moles = given mass (w)
                                                            Molar mass (M)

Kinetic molecular theory of gases: (given by Bernoulli and then Clausius)
Postulates or assumptions-
a) Every gas is made up of large number of molecules that are so small and so far apart that the actual volume of molecules is negligible in comparison to the empty space between them. They are considered as point masses. (This assumption explains compressibility of gas).
b) There is no force of attraction between particles of a gas at ordinary temperature and pressure. (It explains that gases expand and occupy all the space available to them)
c) Particles of a gas are always in constant and random motion. (Explains indefinite shape of gas)
d) Particles of gas move in all possible directions in straight lines with different velocities due to which they collide with each other as well as on the container.
e) Collisions of gas molecules are perfectly elastic collision, i.e., the total energy of molecules before and after the collision remain same.
f) At any particular time, the molecules are moving with different velocities and possess different kinetic energy. Average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

Deviations from ideal gas behavior- (Real Gases)
Real gases are those gases which do not obey ideal gas equation. They show deviations from ideal gas behavior. The extent to which a real gas deviates from ideal gas behavior can be conveniently studied in terms of a quantity ‘Z’ called as the compressibility factor which is the ratio of product PV and nRT.
(i) For an ideal gas, PV = nRT i.e. Z = 1
(ii) For real gas, PV = nRT
Therefore, when Z<1, gas shows negative deviation i.e. gas is more compressible than expected from ideal behavior.
When Z>1, gas shows positive deviation i.e. gas is less compressible than expected from ideal behavior.
Extent of deviation depends upon the nature of the gas.

Q Why do gases deviate from ideal behavior?
Causes: Two assumptions of the kinetic theory do not hold good-
a) There is no force of attraction between the molecules of gas.
b) Volume of molecule of gas is negligibly small in comparison to the space occupied by the gas.
If assumption a) is correct, the gas will never liquefy. If assumption b) is correct, pressure Vs volume graph of real gas and ideal gas should coincide.

Equation of state for real gases - (Vander Waal’s equation)
For one mole of gas:

For n moles of gas:

Where a and b are Vander Waal’s constants. Their values depend upon nature of gas.

Derivation- by modifying ideal gas equation PV = nRT
(i)    Correction for volume- When the molecules are moving, their effective volume is four times the actual volume i.e. 4v. Thus, the free volume available to the gas molecule for the movement i.e. corrected volume = (V-b) for 1 mole or (V-nb) for n moles, where b = 4v = excluded volume or co-volume.

(ii) Correction of pressure- A molecule lying within the vessel is attracted equally by other molecules on all sides but a molecule near the wall is attracted by the molecules inside. Corrected P = P + p
Where p α (density) and  density α (n/V) for n moles or (1/V) for 1 mole.
Corrected P = P + an2/V2.
Therefore, Vander Waal’s equation: (P + an2/V2) (V – nb) = nRT

Significance of Vander Waal’s constants:
(i) ‘a’ – It is a measure of the magnitude of the attractive forces among the molecules of gas. Greater the value of ‘a’, larger are the intermolecular forces of attraction.
(ii) ‘b’ – It is a measure of effective size of gas molecules. It is equal to the four times the actual volume of gas molecules. It is called excluded or co-volume.

Units of ‘a’ and ‘b’:
‘a’ :  P = an2/V2      a = PV2/n2 = atm L2 mol-2
‘b’ : V = nb            b = V/n = L/mol

Real gases obey ideal gas equation at- (i) low pressure, (ii) high temperature
(as a/V2 and b become negligible at these conditions)

Boyle temperature or boyle point: The temperature at which a real gas obeys ideal gas law over an appreciable range of pressure is called boyle temperature.
Also Z = Vreal / Videal

Liquifaction of gases: First complete data on P-V-T relations of a substance in both gaseous and liquid state was obtained by Thomas Andrews on CO2. He plotted isotherms of CO2 at various temperatures. Andrews noticed that at high temperature isotherms look like that of an ideal gas and the gas cannot be liquefied even at very high pressure.
Critical Temperature (Tc) – The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied howsoever high pressure may be applied on the gas. Volume of one mole of the gas at critical temperature is called critical volume (Vc) and pressure at this temperature is called critical pressure (Pc). For CO2, Tc = 31.10C or 30.980C.
Methods for gas liquefaction: a) By increasing pressure, b) By decreasing temperature.
Importance of Tc : Tc is a measure of strength of intermolecular forces of attraction of that gas. Weaker are the intermolecular forces of attraction, difficult it is to liquefy that gas and hence lower would be the Tc of gas.
Vander Waal’s constant ‘a’ is a measure of intermolecular forces of attraction.
Greater the value of ‘a’ is, higher would be the value of Tc of that gas.

Liquid state - Various properties:
a) Vapour Pressure – It is the pressure exerted by the vapours on the surface of liquid molecules when an equilibrium is established between liquid phase and vapour phase. It is known as equilibrium or saturated vapour pressure.

Boiling point – Temperature at which vapour pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure.

Normal boiling point - at 1atm pressure and Standard boiling point – at 1bar pressure. [as 1 bar < 1atm, therefore, normal boiling point (1000C) > standard boiling point (99.60C) {1 atm = 1.03 bar}]

At high altitudes atmospheric pressure is low, therefore, liquids boil at lower temperature at high altitudes in comparison to that at sea level. Since, water boils at low temperature on hills, pressure cooker is used for cooking food.

Factors affecting vapour pressure:
(i) Nature of liquid – If intermolecular forces of attraction are weak, molecules can easily leave the liquid and come into the vapour phase and exert more vapour pressure.
(ii) Temperature – Temperature increases, vapour pressure increases.

b) Surface tension – Force acting at right angles to the surface along one cm length of surface. Unit of γ = N/m.         γ = Force / length

The energy required to increase the surface area of liquid by 1 unit is called surface energy. Unit = J / m2.

A molecule lying inside the liquid is surrounded by other molecules and so is attracted by them equally in all directions. Hence, net force acting by them equally in all directions. Hence, net force acting on it is zero. While, a molecule at the surface is attracted more by the molecules lying in the bulk of liquid than by the molecules lying above it in the vapour phase. Thus, a molecule lying at the surface experiences a net inward attraction. Thus, surface behaves as if it is under tension. As a result, surface of liquid tends to contract to the smallest possible area for a given volume of a liquid.

Surface tension tries to decrease the surface area of liquid to minimum. The drops of liquid are spherical because for a given volume, a sphere has minimum surface area.

Liquid tends to rise (or fall) in the capillary because of surface tension. It is surface tension which gives stretching property to the surface of liquid.
Cohesive forces – Attracting forces existing between the molecules of same substance. E.g. – molecules of water.
Adhesive forces - Attracting forces existing between the molecules of different substances. E.g. – molecules of water and glass.

In case of water that wets glass has concave or lower meniscus (curved surface of liquid) because adhesive forces are stronger than cohesive forces while coloured liquids show upper meniscus in glass tube because in these liquids, cohesive forces are stronger.

Factors affecting surface tension:
(i) Temperature – Temperature increases, kinetic energy of molecules increases and intermolecular forces decrease, so surface tension decreases.
(ii) Intermolecular forces of attraction – increases, surface tension increases.

c) Viscosity – It is the measure of resistance to flow which arises due to the internal friction between layers of fluid as they slip past one another while liquid flows.
Laminar flow: Flow in which there is regular gradation of velocity in passing from one layer to the next. 

F = η.A.dV/dx   

where η = coefficient of viscosity, F = Force of viscosity, A = area, dV/dx = velocity gradient.

η = It is the force of friction between the layers of liquid when velocity gradient is unity and the area of contact is unit area.

Unit of η = Ns/m2  (in SI unit) = Poise (in cgs unit- named after Jean Louise Poiseuille)

Factors affecting viscosity:
(i) Temperature – Temperature increases, kinetic energy of molecules increases, liquid starts flowing faster, viscosity decreases.
(ii) Intermolecular forces of attraction – increases, viscosity increases.

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